Random Thoughts...

  1. Friendship
  2. The Garden
  3. Food
  4. Cooking
  5. Music
  6. Life
  7. Death
  8. Love
  9. Miracles

On Friendship

The most (some might say only) genuine gift we have to offer in life is who we are to the people we touch. It's shameful what it can take to make us understand the importance of our friendships. I'm a good friend, but just like most of my friends, I have too often fallen into the habit of placing low priority on making time to spend with the people who are important to me. Sometimes I'm even neglectful enough that I fail to consider the importance of specific friendships and consequently never make the appropriate effort to turn them into what they should be - special times of sharing and creating memories together.

I've often tossed about the 'we really need to get together' phrase with a friend, which is a genuine sentiment, but with no intention of considering how or when. There's always the feeling that something will show itself without intervention...as though by chance, we will find an opportunity that works equally well without intruding too deeply on other things we might be doing.

Well, I can tell you, this is not the way life works. I'm sitting here as I type looking at photos of a friend I'll never again be able to make time for - at least not face to face. I attended a memorial service for one of the most influential people in my life. I hadn't seen him for many years, and often wondered what had become of him. I never made the time to find out. The things I gained from that relationship so long ago, affect my life every single day. It's too late to tell him just how much the man he was has meant to me. Perhaps more important, I'll never again have the opportunity to support, love or encourage him.

Do not wait to make time with friends. There isn't always tomorrow. The rest of my life or your life could be just today or just this hour...and even if longer, the chance to spend more time may not show itself. I think we all know that most of our opportunities in life are those we make for ourselves. Don't underestimate the value of true friendship. Each one is irreplaceable and absolutely worthy of the effort to make it grow.

Who are You?

Now you know who I am...tell me, who are you?

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