Random Thoughts on Food and Health

  1. Friendship
  2. The Garden
  3. Food
  4. Cooking
  5. Music
  6. Life
  7. Death
  8. Love
  9. Miracles

Food may be a greater passion for me than gardening.

It's a fact that what is considered healthy differs from person to person. There are so many 'fad' eating trends and so many 'scientific studies' showing dangers lurking here and there. I suppose it's to be expected. In every aspect of our humanity, we each come to our value system based on our own experiences and level of understanding. For me the path has been through my mother who is diabetic (Type 2) - because of her health issues and my own former dairy allergy. I have read about and studied food and diet for many years. I've learned something about the myths about so many foods we're encouraged to consume. I've also learned quite a bit about something known as the Glycemic Index and how the body handles glucose.

Basically, I've spent a fair amount of my spare time over the past ten years reading about agriculture concepts and processes, food and health along with the relationships between them. Although we personally eat a diet heavy with vegetables and a fair number of vegetarian meals, we are not vegetarian. On the other hand, after reading Schlossers Fast Food Nation when it came out, our animal consumption has changed significantly. We rarely eat beef and have transitioned to more lamb. We do eat fish, but 'some people around here' aren't all that fond of it, so we're not quite as far down that path. Poultry production is responsible for significant pollution to the degree of destroying wetlands and indigenous species in heavily producing areas. It is also one of the most inhumanely raised animal products. While that should be a sufficient reason to alter eating habits, some people still feel it's a healthy choice. If pollution doesn't concern you, consider the fact that poultry is fed antibiotics as a matter of course due to the unsanitary 'growing' conditions of the birds (I won't go into details - look into it yourself if you are unsure). I almost never order chicken when eating out and only purchase local, organic chicken when shopping for food I prepare at home. I've even started buying whole organic chickens and cutting them up for pieces myself. It's really pretty easy to do, and so much more affordable! I believe there is no other humane or healthy option.

I don't think any american is unaware of how our dependence on crude oil has adversely affected all our lives. We know the consequences of what this persistence on transportation dependent on oil has cost the planet. For that reason alone, it becomes difficult to justify the purchase of food products that are trucked across the country or shipped from foreign countries. There are also those large unmentionable warehouse type stores that transport food items across seas and continents so they can sell them to us at cheaper prices. Yes, I know ...food is expensive and sometimes you have no alternative but to consider the purchase price. I'm just suggesting we all spend more time considering the true cost. The only way it ends is when we stop making those choices. The obvious solution is to buy as many local products as circumstances allow. Yeah - it's more work, but it will prove to be a sound long-range approach. So, when you can make a choice - do make the choice. Did you know that many family owned farms have been forced to sell-out to larger corporations or failed altogether because they can't compete in the food distribution chain in this country? You can make a difference in the simplest things...

Some intriguing reading material

    Grass Fed Food & Facts
    Northern California Seasonal Foods
    Read reviews of Fast Food Nation and perhaps you'll decide to buy the book.

Other notable reading:

    GMO - Why genetically engineered food is dangerous
    May All Be Fed, by John Robbins - not well written, but there are some fascinating statistics and info
    Eat Yourself Slim-Adapted for North America, by Michel Montignac - In 1999, Professor W. Willett of Harvard University released the results of a 12 year scientific study, which confirmed the absolute validity of Montignac's methods.

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