What today brings...

"There is no certainty; there is only adventure. Even stars explode." ~ Roberto Assagioli

Meet Theodore (photo below). He's named so because for some reason his "moustache" and "glasses" remind me of Theodore Roosevelt. We call him TR or Theodore - he knows both.

Here are links to profiles of his siblings: Serena (amputee), Tommy, Samson, Lily, Olivia

Here are links to profiles of his siblings: Serena (amputee), Tommy, Samson, Lily, Olivia

Thought for any day...

"The stories, like the food that fed them, cast lines of relation to all these places and the creatures living (and dying) in them, drawing them all together on this table, on these plates, in what to me began to feel a little like a ceremony." - Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma

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To live content with small means - William Henry Channing